J a c o b   M i l s t e i n
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Hi. I'm Jacob.
Make yourself at home.

Want unreleased songs?

Raw, rhythmic letters?

Join the Milstein Mid-Occasionally Email List.

I'm In.

Currently on the Mailing List:

A series of dozens of
never-before-seen songs from my catalog
and letters about the artistic process

"Brightened my day."   "Reading it gets me to write."
"Thank you."   "I love this."   "So authentic."
"This is artistic integrity."
"Companionable."   "I feel connected."
"I am always so happy to get these."
"The highlight of my week."

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Glad you'll be part of this.
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Stream Jacob Milstein's music on Spotify
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Check out the Jacob Milstein Mid-Occasional Mailing List